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June 10, 2009


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak, DiNicola, Yochum, Yanni Jr. and Crick Owen
Commission Members absent:  None
Staff present:  Mangold and Reggiano
Staff absent: Samuelson
Public: Matt Bodwell, Scott Coleman, John Quinn, Sean Dunn and Kendra Bobowick from the Newtown Bee.


Amendment to the minutes of May 13, 2009 as follows, under Assistant Director Recreation report - sentence should read “Assistant Director Reggiano is planning a “Dog Daysof Summer Event: on September 12th”.  
(m/s/c:  DiNicola/Barczak) “Motion to accept the minutes of the May 13, 2009 meeting as amended.”   


Ø       Matt Bodwell from Boy Scout Troop # 270 discussed his plan to work on a 600 x 12 feet section of the “Rail Trail”.  He is working on his Eagle Scout Project.  Wood chips or gravel will be added to the trail.  This section of the trail does not have any rails that need to be removed.  Mr. Bodwell will be seeking the necessary approval from Land Use and the Scout Council before moving ahead with his work. He is hoping to start the project in July. Mr. Bodwell will also be installing a sign.  (m/s/c:  Yochum/Barczak  “Motion to approve revised project of the 600 feet extension of the Rail Trail.) Chairman Marks requested that Director Mangold check into seeing if the material used for the Relay for Life trail could be recycled for the Rail Trail.  Scott Coleman also was present to discuss the Rail Trail project. Mr. Coleman has someone in Pennsylvania that will come and remove the existing railroad pieces from the length of the trail past the 600 feet that Mr. Bodwell will be working on.  Mr. Coleman has had a railroad buff contact him as to preserving some of the pieces that will be removed. Mr. Coleman spoke with Jim Maloney, a member of the Land Trust for the Batchelder property, who sent a letter to the First Selectman giving permission to use the entrance gate and parking area by the volunteers who will work on the Rail Trail.  Residents who want to help with the trail project are still contacting Mr. Coleman.  Instead of cutting down some of the larger trees on the trail the trail will wind around them.
Ø        John Quinn, boy’s basketball coach at the high school who runs our Rising Stars Basketball summer league is requesting some improvements be made to the basketball facility at Treadwell Park.  Chairman Marks asked Mr. Quinn for a wish list of improvements, which include repair for the large cracks on the court, basket stanchions are concrete and dangerous to the players if they run into them, and lighting would improve the program greatly. Mr. Quinn takes no money for running the program and the high school kids volunteer to coach and the ones that referee the games are paid.  Chairman Marks stated that surcharged money could be used toward these projects in addition to fundraising by Mr. Quinn. Assistant Director Samuelson will be asked to get quotes on the project.  Assistant Director Reggiano will get the figures on the program for the last couple of years and forward them to Commission members.
Ø       Sean Dunn from Newtown Football and Cheerleading was again requesting a facility to practice on. He stated that the teams are required to practice 10 hours a week.  He will need a facility to practice 6 days a week Monday – Friday 5:15 – 8:30 pm and Saturday 7:45 – 11:00 am from August 3rd – the week before Thanksgiving.  Chairman Marks committed Treadwell turf field to Mr. Dunn for the month of August.  A trailer, supplied by Newtown Youth Football, would be placed by the maintenance garage at Treadwell Park.  Other equipment would be stored to the side of the field.  It was also agreed that Taylor field will be game only and that the field would be crowned and seeded in July so that grass would be in place for fall play.  Mr. Dunn told the Commission that the fire department would water the field once a week. Director Mangold will coordinate this project that cannot start until after school get out for the summer (June 25th).  A schedule for September practice would still need to be worked out.  The Commission is working on a solution with a group that wants to install a turf field at the high school for soccer use.  The Commission will discuss further if money ($300,00.00 – 325,000.00) should be donated to the project from the surcharge account to be used toward lights for the field, which would then give football practice time in the evenings.   Chairman Marks then asked Mr. Dunn to speak with his board about possibly donating monies toward the project ($300,000.00 – 325,000.00).  Mr. Dunn will be invited to the next meeting for this project.  Another option for football might be using the Middle School 5 days a week.  Commissioner Barczak will speak with the soccer board about what their needs are for the fall. As far as the size of the teams and how many teams there are going to be.
Ø       Hugh Lavery, Newtown Tennis Association, tennis tournament is being held this weekend.  Mr. Lavery requested that Parks and Recreation accept a $200.00 fee in lieu of the surcharge fee.  (m/s/c: Barczak/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to accept $200.00 donation fee in lieu of the surcharge fee from Newtown Tennis Association.”


Ø       Director Mangold received an email complimenting Roseann Reggiano on the Charlie Brown T-ball program.


Ø       Progress is being made on the Community Center.  Their will be a meeting on June 25th at 9:30 with Ames and Whitaker at which time there will be a bubble presentation made to Parks and Recreation. Commissioner Yochum will attend this meeting.  An additional meeting will be held separately with the Seniors.
Ø       The foundation from Litchfield House will be left in place as to not disturb the wetlands that are around the building.  Litchfield House will be coming down soon.
Ø       Chairman Marks, Director Mangold, Assistant Director Samuelson, Commissioner Barczak, James Gaston and Greg Simon all met to discuss the possible construction of a turf field at the Newtown High School.  The Commission will discuss the possibility of contributing to this project.


Ø       Retirement party for Jack Honan was held on May 29th.  The party went very well.  A grove was named in Mr. Honan’s honor at Dickinson Park.
Ø       Director Mangold showed the Commission a map as to where the dog park would be located.  The Town should own this property by the end of the summer.  It was suggested by Rob Sibley that getting a building permit with the new dog pound so that both projects can move forward as one with shared parking. Director Mangold will find out who is in charge of the dog pound and work with them.  Assistant Director Reggiano will be getting more information on a dog park.
Ø       There will be a public forum with Stantec about the future plans for trails at Fairfield Hills.  The meeting will be June 17th at the Town Hall South Conference Room at 7:00 pm.  Commission members are asked to attend.
Ø       Director Mangold attended a seminar by Connecticut Energy Efficiency about stimulus funding.  They provide help with funding utilities.  They work with architects to come up with a plan.  This might be an option for the Community Center.
Ø       Director Mangold, Assistant Director’s Samuelson and Reggiano and John Moore will be attending a presentation tomorrow on Spray Ground, which might be an option at Dickinson Park.
Ø       Director Mangold reported that interviews are taking place at this time to replace Jack Honan who just retired.


Ø       None.


Ø       On May 17th the 1st annual Frisbee Tournament took place at Orchard Hill as well as a nature walk.   About 50 families attended it.  Event went very well.
Ø       Treadwell Pool opened May 23rd.  Shade structure is in.  Lifeguards are doing a good job.
Ø       June 6th was the Rooster Run.  Mark Gerace did a great job in coordinating everything as well as the donations for the event. There were over 400 participants.  A special thank you to the 6th grade band that played for the event.
Ø       June 12th there is a pool party planned at Treadwell Pool.  This is one of the Passport events planned for the summer.  Swimming is free and there will be a dj and pool games.
Ø       Director Mangold and Assistant director Reggiano met with Eileen Fish about issues with the track program at Newtown Youth Academy regarding meets.
Ø       Four counselors did not return their contracts, they will not be replaced.
Ø       High School sent out an email that no one can be in the school June 29th – August 17 because they will be abating the construction area.  The paint draw and more program scheduled at the High School will now be held at the Middle School.
Ø       Dog Days of Summer fliers were handed out.
Ø       Ken Good from Newtown Youth Academy called in May to request the use of a field.  After discussing this with Chairman Marks, Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson a discussion was made not to grant use of the field to Mr. Good.
Ø       A decision was made to raise the surcharge for anyone using Newtown Youth Academy to $20.00.  In the future the fees need to be reviewed, they may have to pay a percentage instead of a flat fee or which ever is higher.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Ø       Commission Barczak reported that the Ordinance Committee had two minor changes to the Ordinance change request.  Item 7: DELETE our addition to that section which stated " are final and not subject to appeal".  Item10: CLARIFY/REWORD to show that the Commission "shall designate one person as Chairman and one person as Vice-Chairman or Co-Chairman" to lead the group.
Ø       A public hearing on the changes must take place next.  Donna Benson will check date for public hearing with Fran Pennarola.


Ø       Community Center – Litchfield Hall will soon be demolished. Design phase being worked on.
Ø       Treadwell Pool – Shade structure is in.
Ø       Maintenance Facility roof – Assistant Director Samuelson does not have time to write up specs from the specs from the Town Hall roof project.  Director Mangold spoke with Bob Tait, Finance Director, on how to move ahead with this project. Mr. Tait asked Fred Hurley to work on the specs;  Mr. Hurley has someone on staff that can do this. This project needs to move ahead quickly.


Ø       The Commission will discuss at a future meeting the contribution of possibly $300,000.00 - $325,000.00 toward lighting on a turf field at the High School.

12.  OTHER




Ø       Copies of the previous CIP and directions where reviewed. Items need to be more than $263,000.00
Ø       2009-2010 – Treadwell Pool Renovation- the pool filter is installed but other project are still being worked on for the Treadwell Pool Building infrastructure.
Ø       More discussion will be needed as to how phasing in the Community Center will fit into the CIP.
Ø       2012-2013 Dickinson Park – replacement of Funspace might need to be moved up.
Ø       The following items will need more discussion – lighting project at High School, turf replacement at Treadwell (2014/ - 2015) and the cost of a splash pad for Dickinson Park.


Ø       July meeting is scheduled for July 13th at 6:00 pm and the August meeting is scheduled for August 10th at 6:00 pm.

(m/s/c:  Yochum/ Barczak) “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting was adjourned 7:39 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Donna M. Benson